Posts Tagged ‘architect’

Selection of Construction Site – Vastu Tips Part – 2

According to Vastu Shastra, the location of the Site is very important. Some  locations are very auspicious while some others are best to be avoided. Vastu Shastra lays down guidelines to aid you in the Selection of a Site with the best ‘Location’. Since Vastu is a science, every guideline is based on logic and reasoning. As an Architect, I have attempted to explain these guidelines rationally and scientifically, so that you can decide what you want to follow and what you don’t, instead of blindly following them like a superstition.

Ideal Location :-

Peaceful, calm place with lot of greenery and good water source and good soil.The Logic  Fertile soil is an indication of good soil for construction. Peace is what everyone seeks.
Trust your intuition: When purchasing a property, it is a good idea to stand on the land and feel its vibration for a few moments. If you feel positive about it, consider buying the land. If not, it is probably not good for you. The Reasoning – It is always advisable to trust your instinct but make sure you are not influenced by anything or anyone else.

Plot with a good history: It is best to buy land where happy and successful people have lived. The Reasoning – Psychologically, you will feel that a land where people were happy and prosperous, has good vibrations or energy.

Plot with roads on all four sides is considered the best: It ensures health, wealth and happiness. The Reasoning  This is because a Plot with roads on all four sides is not abutting any body’s property and hence one can derive maximum lighting and ventilation from all four sides.

The next best option is a Plot with roads on the North or East.The Reasoning – So that more light and air can enter from these sides in the mornings.

Plots with a water source in the North, East or North-East are good: The Reasoning– The germicidal UV rays of the morning sunlight, which engulf the North-East corner in the morning, can purify the water before you start to use it.

Keep Reading my blog for the next post on Selection of Construction site-Vastu Tips

Selection of Construction Site – Vastu Tips

Selection of a Site: The Selection of a Site is very important since the Site represents a fixed form, that will radiate positive as well as negative energies depending on its location, orientation, shape, slope and soil quality. Therefore, these are the 5 important aspects to be considered when selecting a Site.

 Selecting a suitable Site: Normally an Architect is not involved at the time of buying a Site. But as an Architect myself, I suggest that it is better to involve an Architect early on, at the time of selecting a Site, as his inputs could be very valuable in deciding the right Site. Generally, the points an Architect will keep in mind while selecting a site, will by default be in accordance with Vastu Shastra, since Vastu principles are always based on Common Sense and Logic.
Already own a Site: In case you already own a Site, you can still refer to the Vastu Guidelines for Site Selection, to help you evaluate your Site and if necessary, make corrections to make it suitable.
Keep reading my blog for the next step to know how to choose a good construction site….

Dining Room – According to The Vastu Shastra Rules

The Dining room is the place where the family sits to eat, have their meals and chat. It is also the place where guests are entertained and served food. Hence it is generally accessible from the Living Room.The Dining room should be designed to facilitate a relaxed mood for enjoyable eating.


The Dining room can be located in the East, South or West: The Dining room can be an independent room or in continuation with the kitchen. The Scientific Reasoning – Any direction is suitable for a Dining room, provided it is close to the Kitchen and has sufficient light and enough privacy from outside.

The Dining room should be on the same floor as the Kitchen: The Logic – It doesn’t make sense to have the Dining room on any other floor other than the Kitchen as it will be impractical to carry hot food and utensils up and down a Staircase.

The best shape for the Dining Table is square or Rectangle: Shapes like round, oval, hexagon or any other irregular shapes are best avoided for dining tables. The Logic– When sitting at a table one needs enough space so that one can eat comfortably. At the same time, there should be enough space on the table to accommodate everyone’s plates and the food to be served without cramping it. A rectangle or square shape is the most efficient shape for this.


The Dining table should be in the centre of the room, away from the walls: The Logic – Only if the Dining table is positioned in the centre of the room, can everyone’s chair be pulled out easily for sitting. If it is put against a wall, that side of the dining table cannot be used for placing chairs.

One should sit facing East, North or West: The master of the house should sit facing East. The other family members should sit facing East, West or North. The Reasoning – When facing East, the Sun’s useful rays, especially in the mornings, can flood the room and bathe the diners’ faces.
Avoid sitting facing South: The Scientific Reasoning – When you sit facing South, the Earth’s magnetic North pole and the body’s magnetic North pole, namely the head, repel each other causing a restless feeling.


The wash basin can be in the North or East of the Dining room: The Scientific Reasoning – In ancient times, water was placed i n the North-East so that it gets purified due to the morning sun’s U-V rays. So Vastu pundits apply this principle to each room where a source of water is required. But in reality today, water comes through pipes and taps from one water tank. So one need not apply this principle everywhere.

Avoid bathroom near the Dining room: The Logic – Every time someone uses the Bathroom, it can be uncomfortable for the rest of the diners sitting at the table. Also the smell from the toilet can be putting off, for the diners.


The door can be in the East, North or West: The Logic– The door position can be  any where, depending on the location off the Dining room with respect to the other rooms.

The door of the Dining room and the main entrance door should not face each other: The Logic – Many people feel uncomfortable to be seen eating, when an outsider walks in. So by keeping the entrance door away from the Dining room door, this can be avoided.


The colour of the Dining room walls: can be light blue, yellow, saffron or light green color and shades of pink or orange. The Scientific Reasoning – Some of these shades are thought to stimulate the appetite. Also having light colours makes the room appear brighter and bigger.

Nature paintings and portraits are suitable for a Dining room: The Logic – Paintings of nature have a calming effect on the mind and one needs to be relaxed while eating.

Commercial Store – Interior Tips…

Most of the commercial interior designs that you may have seen in glossy magazines and also in trade journals won’t have failed to have impressed you because they are indeed very marvelous as well as beautiful, and the same goes for the many television commercials that also feature many different and excellent commercial interior designs. The end effect is that you will come away impressed and if you are a shop owner or have other commercial interests, and then the mere thought of incorporating the many different and attractive commercial interior designs that you have seen advertised should cause you to pay closer attention to these many interesting possibilities that can be used to boost your store’s image.

Type Of Floors, Placement Of Mirrors And Lighting Effects

So, if after all that you have seen makes you want to upgrade the look of your store in the hope that it will help boost your sales and also attract more customers, then incorporating commercial interior design would be an option worth considering. It will definitely mean making changes to the store, and even simple things such as the placing of mirrors within the shop, the type of floors, lighting arrangements and even the placing of clothes all lend them very well as subjects worth the attention of better commercial interior design.

The first thing that commercial interior design will need to address is where to place mirrors in the store which should help customers view the products better and also not mean having to use the dressing room each time the customer need to view how dresses look. Thus, what modern commercial interior design helps to do is to show you how to strategically place mirrors in the shop to get maximum effect though you must remember not to have more than are absolutely necessary.

Another way in which commercial interior design can help make your store look better is to have well polished floors and the proper lighting, especially when your products are of the casual kind, though for more formal apparel, you might be better off using black tiles for the floors that add a touch of chic to the overall look and ambiance of the store. And, the proper lighting will also help create a proper atmosphere that should nudge customers into buying your product, and soft lights will accentuate the ambiance, while fluorescent or harsh lights take away from it.

But, commercial interior design really comes into its own when it comes to deciding how best to display the products being sold and this is self-evident when you walk into one of the more upscale stores, or those which sell popular clothes. What good commercial interior design ought to do for your products is make them easily accessible to customers which might even require laying them out on tables, or hanging clothes from clothes racks. One thing you may want to avoid is to use the circular racks so commonly found in departmental stores, because they are not well suited for a store which must need to exude more modernity and which must be a reflection of good commercial interior design, and if it also reflects the owner’s own personality, then it would be that much more appreciated as well.

Vastu For Kitchen

A place of ladies personal world, experiments, tastes, happy to ladies, some times sorrow to gents. There is no ambience in the home more loved and lived in by all the members of the family, the best of the family, the best place to savor the pleasure of being together with all the tastes, memories and daily habits of the family. These are feelings which need a suitable ambience, where the warmth of wood combines with the strong character of the stony materials, such as marble and granite of table tops and the counter may be with glass also.
1. Kitchen should always placed at Southeast (Agneya) corner of the house.
2. The second best place for the kitchen is Northwest (Vayavya) corner of the house.
3.Observe this plan where the kitchen has to be placed in the house.
4. At kitchen the hob also has a central position with a canopy formed by its hood which destroys odours and fills the ambience with light at the same time. The electrical appliances are carefully concealed beneath the worktop.
5. Olden days our elders constructed two or three houses, but in our period one house built is a climax of the interesting movie, built the house with all amenities like the marked personalities of those modern and innovative kitchen brings into the home the soothing atmosphere of colourful and lively activity. There are as many as four colours which gladden the eye and communicate a note of joyful serenity of the ambience which they furnish, creating together a happy scene.
6. Feel king at your house, you are maharaja of your house a kitchen layout should be customised to the specific requirements and needs of the users. Hence, it is important to ascertain the individual preferences overall lifestyle and eating habits of the direct users, built the kitchen with your own style and requirements.
7.The kitchen should be in the south-east portion of the house. The door of the kitchen should be in the north, east or north-east direction opening clockwise. The lady should face east while cooking, for it brings good health to family members. If the lady faces west while cooking it may lead to health problems to ladies; while cooking with the face towards south may lead to financial problems in the family.
8. The above picture is the layout of kitchen at house.You can place the dining table as shown above.
9. You can place all food articles at west side of the kitchen.
10. The flooring level of the kitchen is equal to the remaining house floring.
11. The sink at kitchen placed at Ishan corner.
12. The women folk should be facing the East while doing their cooking. This is good for health.
13. There should be abundant use of green in the kitchen. For example green granite for flooring or green pictures. This helps improve the appetite of the family members and also promotes peace and harmony in the house.
14. If possible, the cooking gas and the washing sink should not be kept very close to each other. The logic being fire and water are not comfortable close to each other.
15.The cooking stove should not be visible to the naked eyes from the outside. Hence always shield the kitchen from the outsiders.
16.There should be no leaking taps in the kitchen. This affects the money flow, and actually water should not be waste at any place including kitchen.
17. Shelves for the storage for grains at south,west and southwest sides only.
18. In Vastu Shastra its strictly prohibited that do not construct toilets and pooja-room next to one another.
19. The kitchen should not be directly in front of the main door, try max for this tip, if not maintain one curtain always hanging to the kitchen door.
20. Kitchen should not be placed at northeast corner of the house, if kitchen is at the North – East direction, it would curtail peace and mutual love in the family, and heavy expenditure occurs, might quarrels at home etc.
21.vastu for kitchen takes into consideration various things, which where properly placed, pave way for safety in the kitchen. Some of the essential determinants considered are: proper location of the kitchen, direction and placement of doors and windows, placement of cooking gas, gas cylinder, sink, refrigerator and other electronic gadgets etc, if everything is according to vastu, the inmates live happily and enjoy the peace at home.
22.Better no shelf should be placed above the cooking platform.
23.Refrigerator can be placed on the northwest corner in the kitchen or southwest corner.
24.While constructing the kitchen, make adequate provision for cross ventilation for good health, and fresh breez . While cooking items smoke will be automatically go away and we will safe by this cross ventilation.
25.Kitchen (or dining room) is the best place to have your daily meals; but never face South while having your meals it creates stomach disorders, indigestion and other related problems.
26.If the kitchen is adjoining to a bedroom, the wall between them should be thicker than other walls.
27.Cooking Gas/Range should be in the south-east part of the kitchen.
28.Exhaust fan should be installed on the eastern wall in the south-east corner.
29.Drinking water may be placed in the north-east; water filter will be installed in the north east, if required, or it may be placed at northwest corner.
30. Better to get suggestions from the vastu expert while constructing the house. The theoritical matter cannot renders satisfied vastu experment in our house. By reading books of vastu we know only the important things that may be the essential factors, but general folks cannot find the serious things (vastu defects).

Home Decor – False Ceiling is Must

  • When another ceiling is installed beneath the original, it is referred to as a drop ceiling, suspended ceiling or false ceiling. Its purpose is to hide such things as the heating and air-conditioning ductwork, wiring, pipes and anything else that needs to run from one area to the next. Other reasons for installing a false ceiling are thermal insulation, soundproofing or something to accommodate a change in lighting, such as recessed lights.


  • You can buy long metal strips in a variety of colors to add a different dimension to your ceiling. These have a base piece that hangs from the original ceiling and the metal strips latch into the base. The final result is very streamlined and without gaps.


  • Pressed metal includes tin, aluminum, copper and any other metal you can think of that has been made into a panel for the ceiling. Some manufacturers have started making an interlocking grid that the tiles slide into. When that isn’t available, use the traditional metal suspended ceiling grid, with some modifications to adjust for the size of the metal panels. Another option is to use strips of wood that the metal panels can be tacked onto.


  • This is what most people think of when they think of ceiling panels and false ceilings. They are called fiberboard because they are made from a mix of fibers from wood or cane and chemical binders that are pressed into flat panels. These are typically installed by resting them on a metal grid installed across the entire ceiling. Special chemical treatments can also be added to these for fireproofing and moisture resistance.

Commercial Property Purchase – Needs a well Inspection…

As a real estate agent it pays to have a good approach to listing commercial property. A system to the process is a good idea. Not only will a system help you ask the right questions, but it will show your professionalism to the property owners.

When you are listing in a competitive market place it is highly likely that another agent or two will be inspecting the same property later in the same day. It thereby follows that the agent that is the most
professional in the inspection process is highly placed to win the listing.
When times are busy you could be inspecting 2 or 3 properties a day for the purpose of listing. So a property inspection process is valuable to you in your listing conversions. I split the process into 2 levels as below.

My inspection process of a commercial, industrial, or retail property could be similar to the following:

The Preparation

· Check out the property title ownership detail before you get to the property
· See if any encumbrances or rights of way impact the property and if so how
· Get a copy of the local survey plan for the street and area
· See what the zoning and building codes do for the property
· See if there are any orders or notices on the property at the moment in the local building authority office
· Research the property sale and rental history over the last few years
· Review the tenant mix and lease profile from known leases
· Get details of recent comparable sales and rentals in the area
· Look for comparable properties in the same area that may be for sale or lease now and that could impact the marketing of the subject property
· What vacancy factors exist in the property currently?

The Inspection

· Check out the boundaries for the property and proximity to neighbours
· Walk the local street to understand visibility and access to the site
· Look at the signage of the property for identity and impact
· Review the building improvements for suitability and function. Are they what the market wants today?
· Get a copy of the tenancy schedule for review
· Ask about building income and expenditure performance (especially if the property is for future sale)
· Walk through the property with the owner or landlord whilst asking questions about current property performance
· Review lettable space and common areas for practicality and operation of the property investment
· Look for any vacancies and see if they are dragging down the function of the other tenants nearby
· Ask about anchor tenants if they apply in the property and get copy of the leases to see the terms of occupancy.
· Take plenty of photos that can help you later with notes and review analysis

When you inspect a commercial property for the first time it pays to have all the facts researched before you get to the property. In the actual inspection get more details from the property owner on current issues and concerns. As a general rule do not price a property at the inspection. It is far better to take the inspection information away for greater analysis. You can then formally present your findings to the owner at a later meeting.

Preparation is the key to a good property inspection. It sets the scene for the later listing pitch with the property owner. When you know all the facts and you have fully researched the property it is far easier to close on the listing.

Marble and Granite – Give Royal Touch to your Dream Home

Marble gives a royal and stylish look to your home or office and it is easy to install. Marble and granite floor tiles are becoming increasingly popular nowadays.

Granite is the most preferable option when it comes to tiling the floor. Granite tiles are very popular among people due to its elegant look and durability. There is an array of granite floor tiles that is used for tiling places like floors, wall, stairs, homes, and balcony. There are more than 2700 verities of granite, which are available in multitude of colors, textures, and patterns. There is various color options available in the market, which are brown, white, green, gray, blue, and yellow, burgundy, pink, and many more.

The granite tiles are finished in varied types of finishings that are polishing, honing, leathering, antiquing, brushed, or flamed. However, before using tiles keep the type of finishing in mind, as every type of tile has a different purpose. For instance, polished tile is meant for indoor flooring of less traffic zone, countertops, and vanities as polish makes the surface slippery. Like wise, Honed tiles are good for both indoor and outdoor flooring, as it is very less slippery.

One other hand marble tiles are equally popular among customers, owing to its elegant looks and low maintenance. Besides, it has numerous benefits like long lasting durability, easy installation, smooth surface, natural cooling and heating, light reflection, easy to clean, and cost effective. Still, there is a disadvantage of this tile, which is, it has tendency of developing stains. This is the reason marble flooring is not suitable for areas like kitchen and walls.

However, if the tiles are cleaned properly on regular basis it is not that tough to maintain it. Therefore, to make it sparkling, keep it free from dirt and dust. Regularly clean it with damp mop or cloth and use stain-removing liquid to keep it stain free. There is a wide array of marble floor tiles available in the market that can be provided in different colors, designs, and finishings.

Slate is another type of natural stone that is widely demanded by the clients for construction. The slate is most preferred in the form tiles. There is a huge variety of slate floor tiles, which is available in more than 24 different shades. These shades are black, pink, rust, grey, gold, red, purple, and many more.

The Slate Floor Tiles widely used in areas like offices, rooms, and lobbies due to its non-slippery nature, whether it is a high or low traffic area, the tiles remain in the same condition for years. Owing to its non-porosity, it is easy to clean and sweep, which helps a lot to maintain it for long time. Every tile is unique in itself, there are numerous of colors, textures, and designs are available to choose from.

Home Office Or Outdoor Office – Which is Good ?

Is a home office appropriate for every business? Of course not. But, if you’re creative and disciplined, I think the positives far outweigh the negatives. What do you think?

Let’s break down the home office debate into personal and business considerations:

The Business Case

A home office is much cheaper. For start-up or established business, paying rent, utilities, and other costs for an outside office create a significant monthly revenue threshold. Plus, while tax guidelines are fairly strict, you can deduct some portion of expenses you would have paid personally, prorating utilities, some maintenance, and even depreciating the portion of your home you use for a home office. (Keep in mind taking depreciation can make accounting and tax considerations a little more complicated when you sell your home, so look before you take the depreciation leap.)

Increased (and convenient) availability. I have clients around the world, so I often adjust my schedule to their time zones. With a home office I don’t mind phone calls during non-office hours since walking down two flights of stairs beats driving to an external office every time.

Show never equals go. A fancy space at a prestigious address may initially impress potential clients, but eventually you are judged on the quality of your products or services. If you do great work no one cares where your office is located.

Your home office can be a home-court advantage. An outside office is to a home office what an apartment is to owning a home. If you rent or lease you’re limited in the changes you can make to the space, and when your lease is up those improvements are often lost. With a home office you call the shots and the money you save on rent can go to improvements. My home office is about 1,300 square feet, has a great view of the mountains, and the office dog can hang out with me. I hate to think how much a similar commercial space would cost.

A home office is like an entrepreneurial litmus test. Many people feel they will lack self discipline and focus if they work from home. Sure, you may feel you need the motivation (and validation) that comes from having an outside office… but when your paycheck is based solely on your output motivation shouldn’t be a problem. If it is, owning your own business probably doesn’t make sense.

The Personal Case

Adds value to your home. Turning your dining room into a home office could negatively impact the value of your home, but if you re-purpose unused space, or better yet add on, you benefit personally. Plus home offices are very popular with home buyers. A local real estate agent told me at least 2/3 of her prospective home buyers list a home office as a “must have,” even if only for personal use.

It’s greener. No commute = fewer emissions.

A home office creates more family time. One person left this comment on Michael’s article: “I just didn’t have the heart to turn away my 3-year-old daughter who was excited to have daddy at home all the time.” I understand the feeling, but think about it: Home office or external office, you’re not available. The only difference is you don’t have to face the fact your daughter misses you when you work from an external office; either way, she misses you. On the other hand, time spent commuting is family time lost. If your one-way commute is twenty minutes, that’s at least 160 potential family hours gone — forever.

Guest Room – It reflects your Personality

A well set up guest room is a very important part of hospitality, and plays a crucial role in making your guests feel comfortable and well-cared for. With a few good guest room decorating ideas, you can come up with a guest room that can rival any 5 star hotel, without breaking the bank. To start with, you need to come up with a certain theme/look you wish to follow throughout the room. Once you have some sort of a general outline of what you wish to achieve for the room, think about the details that you have come across and would like to incorporate. You may have seen some design ideas in a magazine, on TV, at the mall, in someone’s home or in a hotel room you stayed in, that you would like to include. Read more on bedroom decor.

Guest Room Essentials

Apart from the guest room decorating ideas you come up with, here are some other aspects to keep in mind:
You guest room must have a large, presentable double bed with a comfortable mattress. If you cannot afford a new bed and mattress, try to get a good used bed. If you already have a good bed, ensure that the mattress is comfortable, and not sagging or lumpy. You don’t want your guests to end up with back or body aches. A set of soft fluffy pillows are essential.
A set of good clean linens are a must. I suggest you set aside a set of bed and bath linens (including a featherbed mattress topper & a cozy down comforter), only for your guests. Ironed bedsheets and pillowcases are the little details that help achieve a great looking guest bedroom.
It would be considerate of you to include a table to set down a suitcase or any other kind of luggage. You don’t want your guests to constantly stoop over, every time they need something from their bags.
Create shelf, drawer and counter space for your guests. We had plenty of house guests over the years, and have found that even those who stay for just a day utilize the space provided. Do not fill up shelves with decorative items, but only leave the essentials, such as clock, and maybe a few good books.
Among the home office guest room decorating ideas, try to make at least a foot or two of pole space in the closet, and provide few hangers. If this is not possible, you can arrange for an over-the-door hook and one behind a closet door.

Guest Room Decorating Ideas

It is always best to stick to neutral tones on the wall and floor. Imagine if you decide to use bright color on one or all of the walls, and it turns out to be the one color your guest dislikes. You can go even more wrong with a print. Instead, keep your walls cream, and add dashes of color with the drapes and bedspreads.
If your flooring is a little shabby and you aren’t in a position to replace it, place a rug that covers up the objectionable spots. It is another way of adding a splash of color or print in the room. However, it is best to restrict print to one major item in the room, i.e. either a printed bedspread or a printed rug. Your options range from pile rugs or flat weave kilims.
A crystal vase filled with fresh flowers is the best way to decorate any room. Ideally, use flowers that are your guest’s favorite, though the point is just to make your guest feel welcome.
An inexpensive way to decorate the walls of the guest room are with beautiful vintage photographs. You can either use old family photographs, or buy and frame some.