Posts Tagged ‘kitchen vastu’

Selection of Construction Site – Vastu Tips Part – 2

According to Vastu Shastra, the location of the Site is very important. Some  locations are very auspicious while some others are best to be avoided. Vastu Shastra lays down guidelines to aid you in the Selection of a Site with the best ‘Location’. Since Vastu is a science, every guideline is based on logic and reasoning. As an Architect, I have attempted to explain these guidelines rationally and scientifically, so that you can decide what you want to follow and what you don’t, instead of blindly following them like a superstition.

Ideal Location :-

Peaceful, calm place with lot of greenery and good water source and good soil.The Logic  Fertile soil is an indication of good soil for construction. Peace is what everyone seeks.
Trust your intuition: When purchasing a property, it is a good idea to stand on the land and feel its vibration for a few moments. If you feel positive about it, consider buying the land. If not, it is probably not good for you. The Reasoning – It is always advisable to trust your instinct but make sure you are not influenced by anything or anyone else.

Plot with a good history: It is best to buy land where happy and successful people have lived. The Reasoning – Psychologically, you will feel that a land where people were happy and prosperous, has good vibrations or energy.

Plot with roads on all four sides is considered the best: It ensures health, wealth and happiness. The Reasoning  This is because a Plot with roads on all four sides is not abutting any body’s property and hence one can derive maximum lighting and ventilation from all four sides.

The next best option is a Plot with roads on the North or East.The Reasoning – So that more light and air can enter from these sides in the mornings.

Plots with a water source in the North, East or North-East are good: The Reasoning– The germicidal UV rays of the morning sunlight, which engulf the North-East corner in the morning, can purify the water before you start to use it.

Keep Reading my blog for the next post on Selection of Construction site-Vastu Tips

Selection of Construction Site – Vastu Tips

Selection of a Site: The Selection of a Site is very important since the Site represents a fixed form, that will radiate positive as well as negative energies depending on its location, orientation, shape, slope and soil quality. Therefore, these are the 5 important aspects to be considered when selecting a Site.

 Selecting a suitable Site: Normally an Architect is not involved at the time of buying a Site. But as an Architect myself, I suggest that it is better to involve an Architect early on, at the time of selecting a Site, as his inputs could be very valuable in deciding the right Site. Generally, the points an Architect will keep in mind while selecting a site, will by default be in accordance with Vastu Shastra, since Vastu principles are always based on Common Sense and Logic.
Already own a Site: In case you already own a Site, you can still refer to the Vastu Guidelines for Site Selection, to help you evaluate your Site and if necessary, make corrections to make it suitable.
Keep reading my blog for the next step to know how to choose a good construction site….